Relationship Communication

What's the Key to Relationship Success?

It Starts With Communication.

Relationships take work. After the initial fiery passion stage of a new romance, what holds relationships together is effective and empathic communication. 

In sex therapy, couples counseling, and relationship coaching, the first steps often center around improving your communication with yourself and with each other.

Here are some helpful articles about relationship communication techniques used in sex therapy and coaching.

Check out our articles about relationship & communcation topics below...or if you're ready to talk about relationship coaching start here:

Make Time for Each Other

When do you talk about your relationship? If you’re like many couples, the only time you discuss it directly is when you’re arguing. When your defenses are up. When emotions may be clouding your thinking.

The solution is to set aside dedicated time to talk about your hopes and expectations for your relationship. That includes sex stuff as well as relationship topics like emotional needs, finances, children, etc.


Want some ideas for strategic relationship communication? Read this article.

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A person is holding a pile of sand in their hands.
A woman and two children are sitting on a couch meditating.

Benefits of Gratitude

How often do you express appreciation for your partner? How often should you? In relationship coaching we work toward a daily gratitude practice to help people focus on positive attributes instead of being critical.


Practicing gratitude can gradually rewire your thought process—making you happier, more tuned in to your partner, more empathic and open to communication. Plus it can enhance your sex life by shifting you into a giving mindset.

But how do you 
build a healthy gratitude habit? I’m so glad you asked...

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8 Tips for Better Communication

Forge deeper connections through gratitude and empathy, openness and honesty, strategy and practice.

Stories and how-to guides for building better communication habits with your partner(s) whether or not you also use professional services.

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A person is holding a pile of sand in their hands.
A woman and two children are sitting on a couch meditating.

Sex Talk: 3 Mistakes to Avoid

Are you comfortable discussing your fantasies and desires? Masturbation? Turn-ons and turn-offs?


We’re culturally conditioned to avoid talking about sex. But that doesn’t mean it’s healthy.


Want to start a conversation about your sexual needs? Here’s how to approach the topic and what to avoid.

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Mirroring Dialogue (Imago)

Though I am not an Imago Relationship Therapy practitioner, I incorporate one of its key components. Couples take turns as Giver (the one who's talking) and Receiver (the one who's actively listening).

This method can be effective for couples working through a difficult problem because it offers communication structure built around empathy and listening. Learn how to practice mirroring dialogue here.

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Two rams are jumping in the air in a field.

Decoding Desire Discrepancy

“I’m in the mood but my partner never is” in sex therapy terms is called desire discrepancy. It’s totally normal. Even common. 


But that doesn’t make it any less painful.


Read more about the causes and origins of desire discrepancy and learn what you can do to tackle this complex issue through clear and direct communication of each other’s desires and emotional needs.

The RISE Bookshelf

The cover of a book titled open deeply a guide to building conscious , compassionate open relationships.
A book called a radical awakening by dr. shefali
A book titled polyamory a clinical toolkit for therapists and their clients
A book called more than two is a practical guide to ethical polygamy.

Book images link to, our non-Amazon bookseller affiliate. Support independent businesses while you expand your mind!

Lipservice: DIY Sex Talk Guide

A couples communication game that ends with sex.

Talk your way through the brain-bed barrier with this 4-week DIY course in relationship communication, gratitude, desire, and touch.

Step Up Your Game!
A bunch of papers are stacked on top of each other on a white surface.
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